Question: Does the Statement describe efforts to ensure responsible purchasing practices?
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MSA Purchasing Practices
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Page 8, "Our SER team partners day-to-day with our buying teams across the company on SER topics, concerns, and messaging; and regularly train our buying teams on our commitments, supplier requirements, responsible purchasing practices, and workers’ feedback and risks related to topics such as forced labor and working hours."


Page 12, "In addition, we regularly train HPE buyers (e.g., managers in strategic sourcing) on key SER risks, including modern slavery and working hours, our approach to supply chain responsibility, and how such buyers' purchasing practices can exacerbate or reduce risk of forced labor in our supply chain. In 2022, we formalized this training, offering annual in-depth training coupled with quarterly refreshers, updates and engagements. We work closely with buying teams, and with each critical finding, we facilitate 1:1 discussions with relevant internal sourcing managers to review and share best practice on our sourcing practices and aim to leverage our practices to positively impact supplier SER performance."


Page 17, "HPE supplier performance managers operating within our purchasing teams communicate to suppliers the importance of adherence to HPE SER standards and polices as reflected in our scorecards, and work closely to monitor progress of identified corrective actions."

Melissa Lederle.....2024-03-06 10:47:31 UTC