2023 | Oracle | MSA Performance Indicators
Does the modern slavery statement define the performance indicators against which the company measures the effectiveness of its actions to combat slavery and trafficking? E.g. number of audits done, number of employee training provided

Page 7 on "In Fiscal Year 2023, Oracle completed 49 audits based on the RBA Code of Conduct at hardware supplier factory locations. The process is to check initial audit findings and results and then escalate to the supplier manufacturing site or other applicable location in order to remedy all findings before the closure audit. During Fiscal Year 2023, Oracle identified a single priority 1 issue related to a third-party charging recruiting fees. This issue was addressed and corrected before the closure audit. During these assessments and audits, improvement opportunities were identified in the areas of labor documentation, policy, contingency planning, health, safety, and environmental compliance or labor agency contracts. In these cases, corrective actions were developed and validated by the ESG and SCO teams with continuous monitoring for effectiveness"

Muhammad Muakhkhir Putra.....2024-01-28 15:20:46 UTC

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"Oracle recognizes that its review and assessment of its actions to identify and address modern slavery risks in its operations and across its supply chain will be an ongoing and evolving process. Oracle will continue to monitor the effectiveness of the process and procedures and will continually assess the effectiveness of its actions by tracking outcomes, reviewing and addressing information reported by employees, customers, suppliers, or other stakeholders and third parties, engaging with suppliers, and regularly undertaking internal governance and external assurance processes. Such efforts include reviewing Oracle’s actions on at least an annual basis, and on an ad hoc basis as needed, regularly engaging with suppliers regarding compliance issues, tracking relevant metrics, and maintaining active memberships with industry groups working to prevent or mitigate human trafficking and related issues. Oracle is committed to drive continuous improvement of its existing policies"

Emem.....2024-03-24 09:09:51 UTC