2021 | LINKEDIN TECHNOLOGY UK LIMITED | MSA Performance Indicators
Does the modern slavery statement define the performance indicators against which the company measures the effectiveness of its actions to combat slavery and trafficking? E.g. number of audits done, number of employee training provided
updated over 1 year ago by Gina Masino

pg. 18

“In FY21, the following Audit Findings were recorded:

▪ 233 factories were audited in the Devices hardware and packaging supply chain with 0 Critical, 5 Serious, and 43 Major Findings identified in the Freely Chosen Employment category.

▪ 7 shared Devices-CSSC factories were audited with 0 Critical, 0 Serious, and 0 Major Finding identified in the Freely Chosen Employment category.

▪ 54 factories were audited in the CSSC server supply chain with 0 Critical, 2 Serious, and 11 Major Findings identified in the Freely Chosen Employment category.”

Pg. 20

“In FY21, the RS team extended the Workers’ Voice Hotline Program to 235 factories including 212 Devices and Devices/CSSC shared factories and 23 CSSC factories. This expansion resulted in coverage for 98.7% of the audited factories in China, including our final assembly and strategic component manufacturing suppliers, leveraging our third-party auditors, and providing workers with a way to freely raise their workplace concerns and questions without fear of retaliation or retribution.

This FY21 expansion enabled the Workers’ Voice Hotline Program to reach 371,597 workers (333,113 workers in Devices and Devices/CSSC shared factories and 38,484 workers in CSSC factories). In FY21, the Hotline received a total of 238 cases (232 cases for Devices and Devices/CSSC shared factories and 6 cases for CSSC factories).”

“In FY21, the Hotline received 2 cases (2 cases from Devices factories and 0 cases from CSSC factories) of possible allegations of forced labor in our supply chain. After RS Team investigation, the 2 cases were not confirmed as forced labor cases.”

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“In FY21, we leveraged our SEA Academy online platform to scale training across our global supply chain. All final assembly manufacturers and strategic component suppliers completed online training on Microsoft human trafficking and forced labor requirements. By the end of FY21, 206 suppliers had completed SEA requirement training, resulting in a 27 percent increase in knowledge according to pre- and – post-training assessment.”

Pg. 24

“In total, we completed 540 audits and assessments of 414 active factories. This included 242 third-party audits and 298 corrective action audits.”

Manali Rana.....2023-03-23 14:02:03 UTC