Walk Free+MSA Performance Indicators+Asos+2023+Discussion
p.5: "Training is a continuous process that helps us instil ethical purchasing practices through capacity building. As more employees become aligned with the priority of identifying and preventing human rights violations, we gain increased visibility and accountability, purchasing practices are enhanced, and the risks associated with modern slavery and human rights abuses are mitigated."
p.5: "In 2023, we launched our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy which was written in conjunction with Anti-Slavery International. This is an overarching policy that draws on and signposts to our modern slavery related commitments already outlined in our other policies and outlines the remediation process should any violations occur"
p.6: "In the last reporting period, we processed a total of 26 whistleblowing cases from Albania, Bangladesh, China, India, Romania, Turkey and the UK. Out of these, 18 cases have been resolved, and investigations into the remaining cases are ongoing. Issues reported included harassment, health and safety and wage-related disputes. We are taking the necessary steps to investigate the remaining ongoing cases, by liaising with our partners and suppliers on the ground. We will subsequently implement appropriate remediation plans and preventative measures."
"Between October 2022 to August 2023, we encouraged our suppliers and their factories to participate in online training offered by the ILO Turkey office as part of the ILO Programme “More and Better Jobs for Women: Empowerment Through Decent Work”. A total of 30% of our Tier 1 factories in Turkey took part in the “Zero Tolerance to Violence” training which focused on the different forms of violence, the negative impact it has on work life and international conventions such as ILO Convention 190 around preventing gender-based violence in all aspects of life. 34% of our Tier 1 factories participated in the “I Support Equality” training, which aimed to enhance the trainee’s knowledge of gender equality, the consequences of gender-based discrimination, and the importance of ensuring gender equality in the workplace. 53% of the participants scored higher in the final assessment as compared to pre-programme assessment, indicating an increase in awareness."
"Assessment of Effectiveness
We use a variety of methods to assess the effectiveness of our actions to ensure that forced and child labour are not being used in our operations. We track key performance indicators such as employee completion rates of modern slavery training and the number of whistleblowing cases and grievances reported and solved globally. All our supplier contracts mandate compliance with our Human Rights Policies which encompass child and forced labour (available on our PLC site).
External advice and reviews are another essential element of assessing the effectiveness of our efforts. Engaging with an external human rights advisory firm to conduct an independent human rights salience risk review has helped to identify key risks along our value chain and shaped our strategic approach to mitigation and remedy. Our partnership with Anti-Slavery International forms another integral element of external accountability and independent advice."