2018 | Tutco Heating Solutions Group | MSA Impact on Company Behaviour
Does the company’s statement describe a change in their policy that occurred as a direct result of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015?
updated over 5 years ago by Rayna Thukral

"In FY2018, we conducted a review of existing suppliers. We prioritised suppliers based on risk using a variety of risk factors including the country ranking listed on the Global Slavery Index."


.."In FY2018, we also launched a modern slavery awareness campaign to further educate our employees. The campaign was titled “Modern Slavery, Take A Closer Look”. It was designed to get our employees thinking about who is ‘behind’ production in our operations and across the supply chain, and how modern slavery could be an issue."

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2018-11-06 09:37:12 UTC