Walk Free+MSA Identification of risks+Tesco PLC+2021+Discussion


- Xinjiang Province (pg 11)

- Thailand and Malaysia: primary supplier of poultry (pg 13)

- Bangladesh (pg 16)



- Cotton (pg 17)



- Car Wash (pg 10)

- Food (pg 14), particularly fishing (pg 15)



- Migrant workers (pg 8)

Elizabeth Portolesi.....2022-12-10 11:06:35 UTC

pg. 7

“We identified our most salient modern slavery risks in the following priority regions, supply chains and operations within our Modern Slavery Strategy

Central Europe, UK

Southern Mediterranean – Berries, Salads

Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire – Cocoa

East Asia - Apparel and General Merchandise, Cotton, Seafood

Southern and Southeast Asia - Apparel Cotton, Palm oil, Poultry, Seafood”

Pg. 10

“We believe the greatest risks of modern slavery exist amongst our colleagues employed through agencies working in our distribution centres and certain retail roles such as security and maintenance.”

“The car wash sector in the UK is widely acknowledged as being high risk for modern slavery, and we have worked for many years with our own sole car wash provider, Waves, on strengthening standards and employment compliance.”

Pg. 11

“As part of our commitment to be the most convenient supermarket for customers, we partner with third-party companies to provide instant delivery services. However, this sector often relies on recruiting couriers on a temporary and irregular basis, which can heighten the risks of certain types of exploitation such as minimum pay rates, deductions, or excessive working hours.”

Pg. 12

“In addition, we require audits end-to-end of key supply chains where there are high risks of human rights issues. For example, fruit, vegetable, and meat sites are audited to the farm level in high risk countries.”

Pg. 14

“The SEA Alliance has worked with an expert consultant to undertake a desk-based risk assessment of 297 fisheries supplying the UK market, supported the development of further guidance on due diligence in seafood supply chains, and written to the EU regarding concerns about human rights risks in seafood supply chains.”

Pg. 15

“UK seasonal workers – Produce

There are heightened risks of exploitation of these workers such as recruitment fees, discrimination, and poor accommodation standards, among other forms of labour abuses.”

Pg. 17

“Cotton remains a priority under our human rights strategy, as a commodity with associated risks of human rights abuses, including modern slavery.”

Pg. 20

“Over the past two years we have piloted &Wider’s worker voice technology at high-risk sites in Spain, Turkey, Asia, and Africa.”

Manali Rana.....2023-01-29 06:14:20 UTC