Walk Free+MSA Identification of risks+Tesco PLC+2020+Discussion

- Reimbursed recruitment fees to migrant workers employed

by service providers contracted by Tesco Malaysia (pg 1)

- The car wash sector in the UK is widely acknowledged as

being high-risk for modern slavery (pg 10)

- fruit, vegetable and meat sites are audited to farm level

in high risk countries. (pg 13)

- continue to engage in broader industry-wide efforts to reduce human rights

risks in the palm oil sector (pg 14)

Annaliesa Wood.....2021-11-04 19:59:54 UTC

Workforce: In our Tesco UK Stores business, the majority of our

colleagues are employed on permanent contracts. The

greatest risks of modern slavery exist for workers not in

permanent employment, primarily agency workers in our

distribution and fulfilment centres (p. 7)

Sofia Gonzalez De Aguinaga.....2022-01-02 19:44:27 UTC

Industry: The car wash sector in the UK is widely acknowledged as

being high-risk for modern slavery, and we have worked for

many years with our own sole car wash provider (p.10)

Sofia Gonzalez De Aguinaga.....2022-01-02 19:45:17 UTC



Geographic: instances of child labour found in Turkey (page 14). Malaysia modern slavery incidence on page 9. Thailand page 17: Our continued partnership with Issara Institute ensures our highest risk supply chains in Thailand are monitored independently.

Resource- Palm oil sector efforts (p.14)

Sofia Gonzalez De Aguinaga.....2022-01-04 00:53:25 UTC