The company report in the fig that some countries are at high risk without revealing their name however on pg. 5 it has only mentioned countries with low risk.
pg. 4
"Given the number of establishments we run and the nature of our business, M&B recognises that its supply chain is complex, and is therefore at risk of modern slavery. To better understand our supply chains and manage our risk, M&B asked STOP THE TRAFFIK to conduct an inherent and actual risk mapping of our supply chains. This process has provided us with an effective tool for understanding the human rights risk within our operations, targeting, and prioritising mitigation activities, and ensuring transparent external reporting."
"The risk mapping revealed that 92.5% of M&B’s high-risk procurement spend is concentrated in 5 sectors: Production of meat and meat products; Other high-risk food manufacturing (e.g. fish); Facilities services (e.g. cleaning); Construction and refurbishment; and Warehousing and logistics."
pg. 5
"Notably, our Tier 1 suppliers are located in countries which, are in relatively low risk geographies, given that most of our supply chain is based in the UK and Europe (please see figure 2 which illustrates our distribution of tier 1 suppliers)."