2020 | LOWES - MANHATTAN PTY LTD | MSA Identification of risks
Does the company’s statement identify specific geographic regions (e.g. Indonesia), industries (e.g. agriculture), resources (e.g. Palm Oil) or types of workforce (e.g. migrant workers) where the risk of modern slavery is the greatest?"
updated almost 3 years ago by Samuel Lee


WORKFORCE page 25: "Lowes Menswear acknowledges the following modern slavery risks as most salient in our supply chains.The types included, forced labour, debt bondage, deceptive recruiting for labour, forms of child labour, restrictions of movement, intimidation, threats and human trafficking. We do not directly employ any staff overseas so this lowers modern slavery risks within our direct team. Therefore, our operational risk assessment focused on the only areas of the business that use contracted labour or service providers whose workforce engaged with us in overseas locations."

Oda Baessler.....2021-07-28 02:11:51 UTC


Pages 28-29:

List of our suppliers assessment of risk - China (High), Taiwan (Medium) [supplier companies included in list]

Samuel Lee.....2021-08-01 04:52:49 UTC