2017 | Gap inc. | MSA Identification of risks
Does the company’s statement identify specific geographic regions (e.g. Indonesia), industries (e.g. agriculture), resources (e.g. Palm Oil) or types of workforce (e.g. migrant workers) where the risk of modern slavery is the greatest?"
Resource/products and services
updated over 6 years ago by Danielle

'For example, we know that certain countries from which we source are absorbing Syrian refugees into their formal economies.'


'Similarly, in Turkey, we are partnering with the Ethical Trade Initiative and other brands to address the challenges associated with the integration of refugee and migrant workers from Syria, in an effort to ensure that they are not forced into precarious work given their vulnerability in the country.'


'Additionally, considering the evidence on forced labor in Uzbekistan’s cotton industry, we have signed the Cotton Pledge led by the Responsible Sourcing Network and have worked to educate and influence our suppliers and factories on this issue, making it clear that we will not accept any clothing manufactured with fabrics that were knowingly made from Uzbek cotton.'


' For example, Gap Inc. has played a significant role in collaborative efforts to identify and implement lasting solutions to address employment practices and working conditions, including forced labor, in the garment industry in Tamil Nadu, India. '

Danielle.....2017-09-23 08:47:24 UTC