2020 | Aberdeen Asset Management | MSA Identification of risks
Does the company’s statement identify specific geographic regions (e.g. Indonesia), industries (e.g. agriculture), resources (e.g. Palm Oil) or types of workforce (e.g. migrant workers) where the risk of modern slavery is the greatest?"
updated over 2 years ago by Singh Anjali

pg. 9

"Over the course of 2020, we implemented a global modern slavery engagement programme targeting companies in high risk sectors and geographies."

pg. 11

"We conducted on-desk due diligence on two Australian companies that are direct competitors and operate in a sector that is at high risk of potential labour and human rights violations due to the type of labour used, including agricultural workers, labour contracts (short-term, casual workers), and geographies (supply chain largely based overseas). Based on their public disclosure we sought to understand how they manage risks related to modern slavery."

Singh Anjali.....2021-09-25 07:47:46 UTC