Question: Does the statement describe consulting with any entities that it owns or controls?
Walk Free
MSA Consultation Process

I cannot flag the answer but originally the year selected was 2022 but as the statement ends in March 2022 it is the statement for 2021

Linn Upleger.....2022-11-10 14:36:02 UTC

I am not sure about the companies SSE owns, this is what I found for its suppliers and contractors: p. 9: It "aims to work collaboratively with its supply chain, ensuring all activity is delivered sustainably, and that its standards and values are supported and upheld by its suppliers and contractors."

Linn Upleger.....2022-11-13 02:43:53 UTC

Changed to not applicable

Sascha.....2022-11-16 03:27:36 UTC

It's a group statement, and on p. 11 they describe their governance structure which includes individuals from across the group and it's subsidiaries in different oversight committees that are involved and consulted.

Laureen van Breen.....2022-12-12 16:34:13 UTC