pg. 5

"Consultation Process

The consultation process for the purposes of preparing this modern slavery statement principally relied upon IPAH receiving inputs from key functional business units operating across the IPAH Group including human resources, procurement, finance, regulation, compliance, sustainability, legal, ethics and corporate affairs. Where higher risks of modern slavery practices were identified in specific operations or supply chains, representatives of entities or functional business units impacted by these risks were also engaged. The company secretaries of the reporting entities were also involved throughout the process. he continual dialogue was done under the guidance of a modern slavery committee co-chaired by the Head of Procurement and Sustainable Procurement and the Compliance & Sustainability Manager which met regularly throughout the 2021 reporting period. This approach ensured a consistent response across the Group. Finally, the senior leadership team of the IPAH Group with responsibility and accountability for modern slavery obligations also reviewed and approved this modern slavery statement."

Manali Rana.....2022-11-10 10:49:42 UTC