Question: Has the company reviewed business KPIs to ensure they are not increasing risk of modern slavery? (E.g. expansion to production countries that have a lot of migrant workers)
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Manali Rana.....2023-02-14 13:11:31 UTC

To measure progress, we have defined

a new ‘produced sustainably’ key

performance indicator (KPI) for our 14

priority raw materials that combines

multiple requirements.

This replaces our 2 previous commitments and related

KPIs that came to a close in 2020: percentage of volume

traceable and percentage of volume responsibly sourced.

As our new KPI is more ambitious than the previous ones,

results are not comparable with prior years’ performance.

We aim for 100% of key raw material volumes to be

produced sustainably by 2030.

We will source:


sustainably produced

key ingredients by 2030


certified sustainable

palm oil by 2023


sustainable cocoa

and coffee by 2025

Gabby.....2023-02-28 05:50:28 UTC