Question: Has the company reviewed business KPIs to ensure they are not increasing risk of modern slavery? (E.g. expansion to production countries that have a lot of migrant workers)
Walk Free
Deutsche Bank AG

pg. 5

"DWS considers sustainability, including respect for human rights, a core value. DWS monitors its sustainability key performance indicators (Sustainability KPIs), which it defined in 2020. Information on the Sustainability KPIs can be found in the “Our Sustainability Strategy” chapter of our 2020 Annual Report . DWS considers these indicators crucial for measuring and managing the progress of its sustainability strategy."

pg. 9

"DWS’s Active and Passive portfolio management teams use proprietary ESG software to analyse, assess, and rank corporations, as well as sovereigns, on a wide range of ESG indicators, including their approach to ensuring respect for human rights. Starting in 2020, DWS began placing greater emphasis on water-stress related controversies and their potential impact on societies and communities generally."

pg. 11

"4. Assessing the effectiveness of actions taken

To evaluate the effectiveness of our Human Rights approach including modern slavery and human trafficking, we use established processes and channels. For employees, we draw on the insights generated through the integrity hotline, to assess whether our management approach is effective or in need of further refinement. For clients, we leverage a range of sources such as transaction reviews, self-generated research, media reports, dialog with individual clients, and information sharing with peers to evaluate our effectiveness. Finally, for vendors, we use of information obtained from our new vendor screening process and, similar to the client approach, self-generated research, media reports, and information sharing with peers. The action plan has also been amended to include evolving priorities and key milestones."

Singh Anjali.....2021-10-02 11:28:00 UTC