2016 | Cath Kidston Ltd | MSA Business Performance Indicators
Has the company reviewed business KPIs to ensure they are not increasing risk of modern slavery? (E.g. expansion to production countries that have a lot of migrant workers)
updated over 6 years ago by Grace Carroll

Although there is not a lot of KPIs being reviewed, the fact that the MSA is reviewed annually shows they are constantly looking out for increasing risks in modern society.


"This statement has been approved by the organisation’s board of directors who will review and update it annually." This can be found at the bottom of the statement where the CEO signs it.

Grace Carroll.....2017-10-17 21:02:18 UTC

although there isn't explicit detail on KPI's grace is correct to point out that the annual update means they are always looking out for risks of modern slavery

Jake Howden.....2017-10-17 21:29:16 UTC