Question: Does the investor disclose in its modern slavery statement active engagement with investee companies on their (investee companies’) modern slavery/ labour exploitation/ human trafficking risks in value chains and business relationships?
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pg. 7 "Increased supplier and investee collaboration As we engage with our suppliers or investees in ‘high’ risk and ‘medium/high’ risk industries, we will track the improvements that they put in place to minimise modern slavery risks in their supply chains and operations. Their delivery against those actions and their level of co-operation will also be considered." pg. 8 "Engagement with investee companies As part of our review of our approach to sustainability at Perpetual in 2021, we will review our engagement program with investee companies on important social issues such as modern slavery. Additional due diligence and a desktop review will be conducted on those investee companies with a high inherent risk assessment. This will be to further investigate whether there have been any controversies in the media relating to modern slavery and whether they have adequate controls and policies in place." Singh Anjali[].....2021-12-08 10:12:14 UTC States they will engage with in...

Ethan McCutchen.....2022-01-12 20:14:00 UTC