Question: Does the company mention engaging directly in dialogue with suppliers’ workers at one or more levels of the supply chain (raw materials, textiles, manufacturing) as part of their due diligence?
Walk Free

pg. 9

"– As part of their audit programs, Blackwoods and Workwear Group continued conducting worker interviews as an additional layer of support provided to employees and workers within their supply chains to raise concerns anonymously.

– Kmart Group boosted supplier communications regarding its factory worker grievance mechanism. The mechanism is publicised to factory workers via posters in local languages, that all own-brand retail merchandise suppliers are required to display in their factories."

pg. 15

"Note 8 In the 2021 financial year, Officeworks worked with suppliers to strengthen internal grievance channels. Based on feedback from worker surveys, it was found that Officeworks’ own-brand factory workers preferred to raise grievances through their supervisor rather than an external hotline. E-learning modules have been deployed to supervisors at two Officeworks own-brand factories as a trial, with plans for further roll-out in the 2022 financial year. A confidential hotline provided by a consultancy firm on Officeworks’ behalf enables Officeworks employees to report incidents on an anonymous basis involving misconduct or other inappropriate behaviour or conduct."

Singh Anjali.....2021-12-06 17:20:40 UTC