Question: Does the investor disclose in its modern slavery statement that it assesses investee companies prior to investment to identify potential modern slavery risk areas?
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"Group Risk Management sets out the minimum E&S risk review requirements to be used by RBC Capital Markets and the Corporate Client Group when engaging in corporate lending and debt and equity underwriting. These requirements include screening clients for adherence to International Labour Organization standards, including the prohibition of child and forced or compulsory labour.


We also consult external data on E&S risk, including on modern slavery, as part of our due diligence for social risk indicators for Capital Markets and Corporate Client Group clients and as part of country risk review, where this information supports our sovereign risk rating methodology. Similarly, our Policy and Procedure on E&S Risk Management in our Business Financial Services group provides guidance on assessing borrower E&S risk in credit transactions. RBC’s Enterprise Risk Appetite Framework provides that we will make future-focused risk decisions taking E&S risk considerations, including modern slavery practices, into account.


The Board oversees the frameworks, policies and systems used to identify and manage risks to the businesses and seeks to embed a strong risk management culture throughout RBC. Our Group Risk Management team is responsible for developing and maintaining policies to identify, assess, monitor and report on E&S risk and for providing regular reviews and updates. Business segments and corporate functions are responsible for incorporating E&S risk management requirements into their operations."


p. 5-6

Malene Hand.....2021-12-19 13:29:37 UTC

The evidence above refers to screening of clients. However, I have left the answer Yes because:

It is for this reason that we integrate all relevant ESG

factors into our investment processes. Social factors include, but

are not limited to, human rights, employee relations and working

conditions, discrimination, child labour, forced or compulsory

labour and health and safety. Our commitment is described in our

approach to responsible investment. RBC GAM is also a signatory

to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, an

investor-led initiative that seeks to advance the integration of ESG

in investment decisions. For more information, visit the RBC GAM

Responsible Investment website (p.6)

Sofia Gonzalez De Aguinaga.....2021-12-30 20:17:32 UTC