Question: Does the investor disclose in its modern slavery statement that it assesses investee companies prior to investment to identify potential modern slavery risk areas?
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pg. 4

"As responsible investors, we take a holistic approach that integrates material ESG considerations and engagement insights alongside traditional performance factors into all our investment products. This allows our fund managers to assess an asset’s potential to deliver long-term sustainable wealth whilst actively mitigating ESG risks and capturing the investment opportunities arising from these considerations."

pg. 7

"c) Infrastructure engagement

Our engagement with infrastructure portfolio companies, designed to promote continued adherence to the highest ethical standards consistent with performance of the social contract that is at the heart of delivery of essential public services, includes continued assessment of workforce wellbeing. A significant majority of our Infrastructure portfolio companies have published statements or made commitments to that end, some on a voluntary basis. The majority of our portfolio companies are required to publish a Modern Slavery Statement, something we ensure that they adhere to. For smaller assets, we have enshrined commitments to not rely on forced or compulsory labour and ensure adequate labour standards and working conditions in corporate policies dealing with health and safety, inclusion and diversity and supply chain management."


"We will also consider appropriate internal education for our investment teams to help them identify red flags when assessing investment opportunities. We have introduced information on the Act and an overview of our Modern Slavery Statement into the Compliance training for all of our new starters."

Singh Anjali.....2022-03-16 10:51:10 UTC