Question: Does the investor disclose in its modern slavery statement that it assesses investee companies prior to investment to identify potential modern slavery risk areas?
Walk Free
Unverified - Added by Community
updated about 1 year ago by Manali Rana

pg. 14

“Being a global investment company means there is a risk of being directly linked to modern slavery through our investment activities and relationships with external fund managers. AMP Capital has been the appointed asset manager for the majority of client funds in the group. Clients also have access to a range of investment options through external fund managers and AMP is working to assess the relevant risks of being directly linked to modern slavery through these relationships.”

“AMP Capital is committed to integrating ESG considerations into its investment decisions to protect and create long-term value for investors. Modern slavery is considered a human rights issue and is managed across asset classes through the AMP Capital ESG Investment Philosophy.”

Pg. 15

“(by size, sector and lifecycle), our focus is on equipping these nominee directors to drive influence across our infrastructure investments in relation to modern slavery. To support this initiative, a standardised annual Infrastructure Equity Nominee Directors Modern Slavery due diligence process has been developed to monitor the progress of modern slavery mitigation in our asset and project companies over time. The due diligence process requires nominee directors to understand, identify and mitigate modern slavery risks within an asset’s supply chain or operations, publish modern slavery statements in accordance with local legislation and implement appropriate mechanisms to report and investigate suspected instances of modern slavery.”

“We have developed due diligence questionnaires and processes for onboarding new fund managers and assessing our existing relationships to understand how underlying managers are managing risks of modern slavery in their own business and investment strategies.”

Manali Rana.....2023-02-21 07:56:34 UTC