expand_less To meet this metric, companies must be actively implementing a CLMRS, that is assessed independently by a third party and be referencing ongoing commitments and improvements.  
Examples of the types of action companies may disclose, include: 

References a CLMRS system in place, and gives a detailed description about their company specific CLMRS, in coordination with associated bodies (E.g. ICI), tracks progress, discusses areas of weakness and how they are going to revise and improve protocols
CLMRS should use a combination of household visits and farm visits to increase the likelihood that all cases of child labour are identified in supply chain and can be addressed
CLMRS includes training and awareness-raising for farming households and community members, as well as monitoring and remediation of child labor
The company uses an independent/ external third-party to assess CLMRS effectiveness
The remediation process includes at least two consecutive visits after child is found in a situation of hazardous/ forced labour