Question: Does the company have community projects?
Valentina Gomez
Community projects

"Veolia, firmly anchored and involved in the regions, works with each local player to improve access to all its essential services, living and health conditions, jobs and training, integration, economic development, and the relation between industry and municipal authorities. In the regions where we operate, cohesion and social equity represent success factors for our businesses, the public services we are delegated, or the contracts we are awarded.

Whereas the global economy is displacing entire sections of economic activity from one region to another, local public services cannot be relocated. Water, energy or waste management have also escaped this trend.

Our solutions thus contribute to the appeal and competitiveness of municipalities and their companies as well as to regional vitality."

"Thanks to its strong roots in local management, with in-depth knowledge of the areas where it operates, Veolia makes a daily contribution to the dynamics of local development. Our solutions deal with every aspect of tomorrow’s sustainable regions: “smart” living areas, resilient and socially integrated with a high quality of life.

The company contributes to the economic and social development of the regions where it operates through the performance of delegated public services and the investments that it makes to repair, maintain and develop infrastructure.

Veolia operates within the green economy and uses its services to offer solutions that create value in several ways:

environmental value: innovations in key areas for the green economy (water, waste and energy services); the company supports its clients to help them reduce their consumption of natural resources and carbon emissions and protect biodiversity more effectively. The recognition of the SNB (National Biodiversity Strategy) approach in 2015 was reflected by the implementation of an action plan for all our business activities, in France and internationally;

social value: through access to key services, employment, local jobs and solidarity;

economic value: through its long-term, partnership-based approach, support for SMEs, local innovation, green jobs and training."

Barbara LEPERRE.....2017-12-02 19:37:27 UTC