Unable to add source for company

+*when created
Saturday, October 17, 2020 10:12 PM UTC

Unable to add source for Riverstone Managing Agency Ltd in order to complete and submit question


Very sorry about this. Can you try again and let us know if the problem is still happening?

Ethan McCutchen.....2020-10-18 17:12:04 UTC


i tried again yet the problem is persisting. I am still unable to upload the source therefore I can't submit the metric :/

Iyanu Aluko.....2020-10-19 22:17:15 UTC

Hi Iyanu,


I am sorry you encountered this error during your research. Your report helped us to fix this error and to develop guidance material on how to upload a company page as a source on Wikirate.

We appreciate any other feedback you want to give. Just send us an email at .

Best regards,


Lucía Ixtacuy

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2020-11-17 10:37:15 UTC