Unable to add new metric+Discussion

Richard just mentioned he did not have this problem just yet. Considering what the error message says, it might be that we no longer have permission to create metrics because we aren't administrators..?

--Laureen van Breen.....2016-04-26 15:38:02 UTC

Yes, that's probably exactly right. I have implemented a quick fix. Can you tell me if it works for you now?


--Ethan McCutchen.....2016-04-26 16:06:40 UTC

Short explanation -- the idea is that very little should be restricted to administrators, mostly just things like "rules". Rules usually govern things like permissions, layouts, etc.


When you create a new metric, one of the cards that gets created is a card that store's the metric's "type" (researched, formula, score, or rating). That card is currently being treated as a rule because of its name.


We may want to change its name to fix that, but for the short term I just created a new rule to give anyone signed in the permission they need.

--Ethan McCutchen.....2016-04-26 16:15:56 UTC

Yes, I just added the "CMR Covers Diamonds" metric and it went through just fine. Thanks!

--theresah.....2016-04-26 16:54:53 UTC


--Ethan McCutchen.....2016-04-26 17:33:18 UTC