Top10 GHGs Emitting Companies- Scope 1 & 2

Daniel Spaude and Jonny Velez, dedicated volunteers for Wikirate, crafted an open-source tool that simplifies the tracking of the Top 10 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emitters' performance each year (Scope 1 & 2 combined). This interactive chart provides an intuitive way to monitor their progress, both individually and in comparison to previous years, making it a visually engaging tool for assessing their environmental impact.
This valuable resource draws its data from the extensive Top 100 Green House Gas Emitters dataset on Wikirate, renowned for its comprehensive coverage. The dataset details both direct and indirect GHG emissions from the world's largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters, spanning the years from 2017 to 2022.
The widget can be embedded in any website or blog, read on to learn more:
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