SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Discussion Question: What has Renault been doing to achieve their goals of being more responsible in their consumption and production?


Renault has a strict process of selecting suppliers that must meet Renault’s corporate and environmental requirements, which are outlined in the guideline distributed to suppliers. Having support and creating an open dialogue with suppliers on CSR issues has enabled new challenges to have been met with the supply of car parts. Standards for suppliers were created in 2004, which are regularly revised, are based on the compliance with the International Labor Organization. Assessments and audits are set up to support suppliers in making the necessary progress in order to meet Renault’s requirements. A team is tasked with helping suppliers raise their standards to meet Renault’s by providing the requires support.


In order to combat the ecological challenges of the transportation sector, Renault has integrated them into its strategy and organizational structure. There are links between environmental activities and other company processes as well as between sites to encourage best practices. There ate teams of specialists at each production site in charge of coordinating environmental improvement actions and compliance with regulatory requirements. Vehicle production focuses on the materials used (raw or recycled), the supply chain, parts, and plants. Between 2013 – 2016, Renault has reduced greenhouse gas emissions generated by the production of each vehicle by 18.8%. They’ve also reached a 17.8% share of renewable energies at manufacturing sites, close to their goal of 20%. Renault’s carbon footprint per vehicle has been reduced 18.2%, only 15% coming from materials and 2.7% coming from production.

Meghan Burns.....2017-12-03 20:02:53 UTC