Research answer button showing up where it shouldn't

Research answer button showing up where it shouldn't+Status
Research answer button showing up where it shouldn't+*when created
Wednesday, August 29, 2018 06:17 PM UTC

Research answer button showing up where it shouldn't+issue

Research answer button shows up in the middle of the calculated metric answers with an "add" card

Research answer button showing up where it shouldn't+screenshot

Research answer button showing up where it shouldn't+screenshot

Research answer button showing up where it shouldn't+Discussion

That's actually an answer that's confused about company names. When "Empresa Electrica de Piura S.A" was renamed to "Enel Generación Piura", the answers didn't update correctly because of a bug related to "virtual" answers (answers that are calculated but not stored as cards). The bug has been fixed, and so have the data problems it caused.


So the page doesn't look stupid any more.

Ethan McCutchen.....2018-08-30 14:15:28 UTC