Currently among the main certifications and reference standards are:
- Forest Stewardship Council� (FSC�). The FSC� logo designates wood products and derivatives from responsible forest management according to its international environmental and social standards. The certification consists of ten principles of sustainability that the wood or paper product must comply with: full evidence must be provided about the wood production chain, the wood must not come from protected forests or reserved areas, rights must be protected of indigenous tribes and the ecological balance of the forest area must be preserved in the long term.
- Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certifcation (PEFC �). The PEFC � logo distinguishes wood and paper products from sustainable forest management. PEFC �, from the English Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certifcation, is a transparent and independent system that guarantees sustainable forest management. The PEFC � regulation encompasses environmental, economic and social aspects that must be fulfilled as a precondition for the PEFC � logo to be awarded. For example, no more trees can be cut than remain and forests must be a safe space for animals and plants. Furthermore, the rights of people who live and / or depend on the forest must be protected. Compliance with these requirements is periodically verified by independent organizations.
- The EU Ecolabel. The EU ecolabel was created by the European Commission in 1992 and identifies products and services that have a low environmental impact compared to other similar products.