Research Group Eticonsum+More than 90% of suppliers are from Spain+Research Group Eticonsum+About

This sub-metric is used to evaluate the metric : ""1.6 Local suppliers""
With this metric, based on GRI 204-1 Proportion of expenditure on local suppliers, we assess the local sourcing of products offered by retailers, especially fresh produce.
These products are likely to have the greatest environmental impact due to delocalisation because of their sales volume: in 2016, according to Femex data, in Spain we imported 1.6 million tonnes of fruit and 1.2 million tonnes of vegetables. Organisations such as Greenpeace warn of the CO2 emissions involved in this process (transport, cold storage...). Specifically, a review of studies carried out by Engineering Without Borders attributed between 15% and 20% of the greenhouse gas emissions produced by the agricultural industry to processing, packaging and transport.