Question: Does the brand address, or have a code that addresses, prohibiting regular excessive overtime in their supply chain?
Project JUST Research Group
Unverified - Added by Community
updated almost 3 years ago by Singh Anjali

The company has mentioned paid overtime however prohibition is reported.

Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report Fiscal 2020, pg. 32-33

"Our Supplier Code of Conduct commits all suppliers and sub-contractors to meet standards of ethical and responsible conduct, human rights and individual rights, worker rights and environmental regulations. We work to ensure that all of our suppliers follow appropriate standards with respect to forced labor, child labor, working hours, paid overtime, minimum wage, anti-discrimination, freedom of association, the environment, health and safety. We confirm compliance with this Code of Conduct through a comprehensive audit process that includes inspections of manufacturing facilities and employer-provided housing, reviews of books and records relating to employment matters and private interviews with employees. Immediate corrective action is required for any instance of non-compliance."

Singh Anjali.....2021-06-30 13:17:27 UTC