Project JUST Research Group+Prohibit regular excessive overtime (supply chain)+About

Project JUST was created to transform the fashion industry into a transparent, accountable and sustainable system that celebrates the stories, the people and the resources behind the clothing.

To do so, they developed a well-regarded methodology for researching brands and their sustainability practices for their searchable brand directory. The directory provides comparable research on brands to empower shoppers to make more informed and ethical purchasing decisions and to put pressure on brands to improve their practices.

While Project JUST dissolved in 2018, the research methodology can be continued through data contributions on WikiRate. 

This metric falls within the Social section of questions, which looks at how a brand is treating the people in its supply chain.

The Ethical Trading Initiative and the Fair Labor Association stipulate that employers must comply with national laws on overtime. Working hours, excluding overtime, must be limited to 8 hours a days, 48 hours per week. Apart from in exceptional circumstances, working hours should not exceed 60 hours per week (12 hours of overtime on top of the 48-hour working week). Workers should also be given one day off in each 7-day period, or 2 days off within each 14 day period.