Project JUST Research Group+Code of conduct included in supplier contracts+methodology

Use publicly available reports from the brand OR third-party reported information for the Project JUST category: Social to answer this question.

Check the brand’s website to find policies, statements or commitments that state the brand includes a code of conduct in supplier contracts. If the company publishes a Modern Slavery Act statement, this can sometimes be found there. In order to anser "Yes" to this question, the company must explicitly state the inclusion of CoCs in supplier contracts or purchasing agreements. If the company states that it "requires all suppliers to comply with its Code of Conduct" this is insufficient for a Yes answer. Example of a Yes answer is: "our contractual process requires every service provider to agree that all of their business dealings will be in alignment with our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (p. 5 source)

Unknown is only a correct answer where a supplier or vendor Code of Conduct is not found. Otherwise select 'Yes' or 'No' accordingly.