About the data

This metric covers one of the requirements under PF indicator 16.15 of the Poverty Footprint Tool.* It is part of the 4th Poverty Dimension, stability and security, which refers to enhancing conditions that improve resilience and lowers risks from violence, political instability, unrest, crime, and natural or human-made disasters. It includes access to vital resources (such as drinkable water and land) that are essential to stability, security, and resilience. More specifically, within this dimension, this particular indicator addresses the category Access and Control Over Natural Resources, including Land, Water and Food Commodities.

This indicator, furthermore, falls under the 3rd Corporate area Dimension, institutions and policy, which refers to how the company’s actions regarding institutions and policy affect the well-being of people living in developing countries. It considers the effects of lobbying, direct investment, procurement and distribution practices in relation to the development of institutions (such as producer organizations, unions, social networks, women’s groups) and policies that focus on trade, finance, education, rule of law, and health.

*It is important to note that this guide is for reference purposes only. It suggests indicators that project partners may consider, but it is not a complete or exhaustive list. As highlighted in the Poverty Footprint Guide, the project partners will determine the specific indicators to be used in a Poverty Footprint study, tailored to the company’s business model, industry standards, country/regional context, among other criteria (Please see the “Implementation Section” of the Poverty Footprint Guide for more information on how to identify indicators).

For project partners who have set out to research this indicator, the Poverty Footprint guideline suggests the following methodology:

  • consider using secondary research to identify topics such as:

    • local resource endowments

    • resources entitlement (property rights, access, etc.)

    • food security in country/community of study

  • consult with local stakeholders to identify which natural resources are critical to livelihoods (land, water and other productive assets) and any concerns due to the company’s presence in the area of study.

However, Wikirate researchers may review one of the following company statements using search terms like "local stakeholders", "natural resources", "negotiations", and ''trade groups" to determine whether the company in question publicly discloses if the company engages or influences trade groups, MSI/SIs, local/national/international authorities that address issues related to natural resources:

  • Poverty Footprint

  • Corporate Social Responsibility Report

  • Annual Report

  • CSO Statements or Reports

  • Investigative Reports, Surveys, Articles, etc.

Please provide the following contextual information in a comment to the metric value:

  • any additional disclosure regarding engagements with local stakeholders, e.g. policy statements, types of stakeholders involved, specific topics of discussion, company's position(s), etc.

  • the page number of the document where the information can be found