2020 | Kearney | Fair Trade Mechanism
Does the company have a mechanism to ensure that small-scale suppliers and/or distributors are paid a fair price for goods, services, and/or crops supplied to the company?
updated over 2 years ago by Victoria McGregor

Kearney has also introduced our Supplier Code of Conduct and updated it in 2020. We expect each supplier to conduct its business in accordance with the highest ethical standards and to have controls in place that prohibit and detect the misuse of company assets, corruption, bribery, improper gifts, extortion, and embezzlement. Suppliers should similarly strive to prevent and avoid any conflict of interest, money laundering, or anti-competitive practices, and to adhere to industry standards regarding responsible marketing and information security. All suppliers’ business dealings should be fair, legal, and honest.



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Victoria McGregor.....2022-02-24 21:22:42 UTC