Question: Does the company publicly state that it will work against corruption in all its forms, including bribery and extortion?
Poverty Footprint

"Sodexo wins business on the strength and quality of our service offerings. We do not give gifts or other things of value to public officials in order to obtain a business advantage, and we do not permit others to do so on our behalf. Nor do we engage in bribery of private parties. We would not, for example, give a gift to a government official, private customer or prospective client in order to influence a decision relating to Sodexo or to obtain a contract. Likewise, the Group’s employees do not accept gifts or entertainment from a supplier or prospective supplier in return for business or better pricing.

Sodexo employees will not accept, offer or give anything of value that could compromise an employee’s judgment, inappropriately influence others or reflect negatively on the Group. This includes making illegal or improper political contributions and providing or receiving gifts or entertainment in return for an improper business advantage. In all cases, Sodexo employees and those representing us are expected to avoid even the appearance of doing something that does not reflect the Group’s standards of integrity and honesty.

The Group recognizes that certain limited gifts and business entertainment may fall within the bounds of our standards of business integrity. Therefore, Sodexo employees may generally offer or provide gifts, entertainment or other things of value to a private party when they are modest in value, consistent with applicable law and local business practice and are not offered to gain an improper advantage. When dealing with public officials, however, employees must take particular care to make sure that they are following our policies and guidance, since gifts or entertainment that may be permissible when dealing with a commercial customer may be illegal or unethical when dealing with public officials.

For example, some governments have rules prohibiting their employees and officials from accepting anything of value from the public, which may include paying for an official’s travel or hotel accommodations and others may even include buying a meal for a government official. Moreover, in some countries, businesses may be controlled by the government, making it difficult to distinguish between commercial and government officials.

It is also against the Group’s standards of business integrity and the laws of many countries to do indirectly what you cannot do directly. Therefore, consultants who are hired by us are expected to agree to comply with our standards of ethics and business integrity when acting on our behalf."

Barbara LEPERRE.....2017-12-02 21:13:52 UTC