This metric is capturing the data research by the Women in the Stock Market project, an initiative of the Project on Organization, Development, Education and Research (PODER) in alliance with Datasketch, Cuestión Pública, La Nación, El Faro, Plaza Pública, Wayka, Semanario Universidad, Managua Furiosa, Los Tiempos, Metro Libre, La Diaria, El Surtidor, El Desconcierto, El País y Tierra de Nadie, which seeks to make visible the presence of women in decision-making spaces in the private sector.
The project has had two editions 2019 and 2020.
For 2020, the data used was published by companies listed on the stock exchanges of Latin America and Spain on their boards of directors. In addition, the Guayaquil Stock Exchange (BVG), Ecuador, and the Institutional Stock Exchange (BIVA) of Mexico were added.
For 2020, the data used was published by companies listed on Latin American and Spanish stock exchanges on their boards of directors. In addition, for Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, automated scrapers were developed that took the information from the different sources in each country, so we believe that the data is more comprehensive this year.
If you would like to understand more about the data, have comments or interest in replicating the project, please contact at