Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD)+Supply Chain Audits (Step 4)+EDP-Energias de Portugal+2014+Discussion

" The sustainable management of the supply chain in particular is defined by the following main instruments: - Sustainable Development Principles; - Adherence to international principles and standards such as the Global Compact and ILO standards; - Code of Ethics; - Stakeholder Relationship Policy; - Commitment to Healthy Competition Practices; - Global Procurement Unit and Local Purchasing Structures; - SINERGIE: which includes the Supplier Qualification System - supported on the international Acchiles system -, the Procurement Manual, Supplier Evaluation Systems and the Risk Matrix; - Development of partnerships such as the Bettercoal initiative and Edpartners. These guidelines are extended by an important set of practices, which include: - The mandatory requirement that suppliers sign commitments to use good practices and ensure legal compliance in the technical and economic areas and also in the environmental, social and ethical fields; - The extension of the commitments to use good practices and ensure legal compliance to subcontracted suppliers; - Audits at the supplier qualification stage; - Inspections and audits of the supplier performance assessments; - Training suppliers; - Monitoring impacts through dialogue channels and news analysis." p. 12