2018 | AngloGold Ashanti | Supplier Capacity Building (Step 1.D.2.3)
Does the company describe capacity building programs with suppliers?
Direct Support (bilateral)
p. 65 "Calls for formalisation of the sector have been made for many years, with ASM being included as a significant component of the IGF’s Mining Policy Framework published in 2013. Acknowledging that ASM, and its formalisation and integration into the formal economy is a government accountability, a guidance document to assist governments in developing and implementing ASM strategies in their jurisdictions was released in 2017. In 2018, activities focused on training and capacity building, and providing support to governments who were receptive to making progress in this area." p. 76 "Siguiri gold mine Despite a few labour stoppage challenges during the year, the industrial and labour relations climate remained generally peaceful and stable. Drawing from past lessons, a threeday joint capacity building workshop for the mine negotiating team (general management representatives and union leadership) resulted in the design of an internal mediation framework, providing a mechanism for resolving disputes with restricted recourse to a third party. "