2018 | Global Tungsten & Powders Corp. | Internal Management Structure - Due Diligence Program (Step 1.B.1)
Does the company describe the internal management of the minerals due diligence program including, the management structure and/or role of senior management?
Describes management structure,
Describes role of senior management
"GTP has structured its tungsten raw material procurement with one raw material purchasing manager being responsible for the procurement of all tungsten raw materials for GTP. The purchasing manager is the gatekeeper for GTP and oversees that all purchases of tungsten raw materials are fully documented and that no conflict containing minerals enter the GTP supply chain. This purchasing manager for GTP was extensively involved in conflict minerals issues prior to and during the implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act and has served as a board member of the TI-CMC since its initiation. The raw materials purchasing manager reports directly to the President and CEO of GTP and maintaining a conflict free supply chain for GTP is part of the annual goals for the purchasing manager." Raw material purchasing manager: "GTP has structured its tungsten raw material procurement with one raw material purchasing manager being responsible for the procurement of all tungsten raw materials for GTP. The purchasing manager is the gatekeeper for GTP and oversees that all purchases of tungsten raw materials are fully documented and that no conflict containing minerals enter the GTP supply chain. This purchasing manager for GTP was extensively involved in conflict minerals issues prior to and during the implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act and has served as a board member of the TI-CMC since its initiation. The raw materials purchasing manager reports directly to the President and CEO of GTP and maintaining a conflict free supply chain for GTP is part of the annual goals for the purchasing manager."