Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD)+Chain of Custody/Traceability/Transparency System (Step 1.C.1)+methodology

If the company mentions or describes implementing either a traceability system, a chain of custody system, or a supply chain transparency system the answer will be 'Yes'.

Include the description of the system in the Comments field.

For upstream companies, look for a chain of custody or traceability system.

For downstream companies, look for a transparency system that is used to identify SoRs, countries of origin, and transport and transit of the minerals for each of their SoRs.

Key search words include: Certificate, Transport, Mine, Origin, Export, Import, Record, Trace, Chain.

A Traceability System will have the ability to follow the trail of minerals along the supply chain by monitoring and tracking chain of custody.*

A Chain of Custody system refers to all steps in a supply chain that take possession of the product, including miners, transporters, exporters, processors and manufacturers. It provides record of the sequence of entities that have custody of minerals as they move through a supply chain that allows the ability to trace a material back to its origin. Chain of custody will include documentation such as mine origin certificate, transport documentation, export and import records and factory*
A transparency system should identify and track Smelters or Refiners (SoRs), all countries of origins, and transport and transit of the minerals of each SoR.

*see OECD Due Diligence Guidance for more detail