About the data

These questions are a part of the National Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities for Business. They provide the bedrock on which responsible business in Indian companies are laid. Hence to have a yes to any of these questions or a company policy on these aspects strengthens the #ESG aspects of the company.

This particular metric question is inspired by NVG Principle 2: Businesses should provide goods and services that are safe and contribute to sustainability throughout their life cycle.

The principle emphasizes that in order to function effectively and profitably, businesses should work to improve the quality of life of people.

The principle recognizes that all stages of the product life cycle, right from design to final disposal of the goods and services after use, have an impact on society and the environment. Responsible businesses, therefore, should engineer value in their goods and services by keeping in mind these impacts.

The principle, while appreciating that businesses are increasingly aware of the need to be internally efficient and responsible, exhorts them to extend their processes to cover the entire value chain – from sourcing of raw materials or process inputs to distribution and disposal.

Source: Indian Ministry of Corporate Affairs

Does the company have a mechanism to recycle waste? The answer to this question may be found in the company's Business Responsibility Report

Note: The Business Responsibility Report may be found within the company's Annual Report and/or Sustainability Report.  

If the company reports directly to the NVG principles, the answer can be found under Principle 2 or Principle 2.5

If the company does not report directly to the NVG principles, search in the company's reporting for any mechanism to recycle waste. When looking for the answer in the source, key words to search for include:

  • Principle 2
  • Recycle
  • Recycling
  • Waste

If the company does have a mechanism to recycle waste, select the answer Yes and cite the report where you found this information as a source. 

If the company does not have a mechanism to recycle waste, select the answer No and cite the relevant report as a source.

The company may report in fiscal years - in this case, please use the latest year which is cited. 

  • A report for 2016/17 should be used for adding data for the year 2017 
Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Business Responsibility Report
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Integrated Report