Missing Metric Values on L'Oreal Group Company Page+Status
Missing Metric Values on L'Oreal Group Company Page+*when created
Monday, September 12, 2016 03:32 PM UTC

Missing Metric Values on L'Oreal Group Company Page+example

Missing Metric Values on L'Oreal Group Company Page+screenshot

Missing Metric Values on L'Oreal Group Company Page+screenshot

Missing Metric Values on L'Oreal Group Company Page+Discussion

I fixed these. You were right that it had to do with the duplicate company. It looks like there was some problem with renaming value cards back in May. Not sure whether the core problem is fixed or not, but that will be addressed in the duplicate merging work we have planned.


Thanks for spotting!

--Ethan McCutchen.....2016-09-15 02:40:17 UTC