2018 | Magna International | Internal Management Resources - Due Diligence Program (Step 1.B.2)
Does the company ensure availability of resources for internal management of its minerals due diligence program, including Financial, Human, Technical and/or General?
We maintain a cross-functional conflict minerals compliance team (the “CM Compliance Team”), comprised of representatives from Magna’s legal and purchasing departments that is tasked with managing and directing the day-to-day activities of the Program, including monitoring the execution and effectiveness of the Program; overseeing the activities of our Program team members in each region in which we operate; monitoring conflict minerals regulatory developments and evolving industry best practices; and conflict minerals reporting to our automotive customers. The Program, which includes a supply chain system of controls and transparency through the adoption and use of the CMRT (defined in Subsection 3(b) (ii) below), facilitates the transfer of information through the supply chain regarding, among other things: (i) mineral country of origin; (ii) SORs being utilized; and (iii) the identity of new SORs to potentially undergo an audit through the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (“RMAP”) described below.