Question: Does the company provide training specifically to address discrimination and harassment?
Yes - all employees
Manali Rana
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated 6 months ago by Manali Rana

pg. 23

"On going- Multiple trainings throughout the year

Tata Steel conducted multiple remote and classroom sessions throughout the year on key topics such as Safety, the Tata Code of Conduct, Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policies, Conflict of Interest, Prevention of Sexual Harassment policies, etc., for employees and workers across management and non-managerial levels. These training sessions are mandatory for all employees."

pg. 53

"All our employees and workers are provided training on the Tata Code of Conduct, which cover key human rights issues, and the Prevention on Sexual Harassment trainings, from time to time. Tata Steel is rolling out a bespoke Human Rights training programme for all employees in FY2023-24."

Manali Rana.....2023-11-10 07:41:01 UTC