Question: Does the company discloses if it has technology in place to detect child abuse or child grooming?
Lucia Ixtacuy

Digital Safety Content Report, pg. 1

"Microsoft developed PhotoDNA , a robust hash-matching technology to help find duplicates of known child sexual exploitation and abuse imagery."

pg. 2

"We leverage a variety of tools to detect CSEAI, including hash-matching technology (e.g., PhotoDNA) and other forms of proactive detection. Microsoft has also made available in-product reporting for products such as , , , and , whereby users can report suspected CSEAI or other violating content."

Grooming detection technique, pg. 2

"In furtherance of those commitments, today Microsoft is sharing a grooming detection technique, code name “Project Artemis,” by which online predators attempting to lure children for sexual purposes can be detected, addressed and reported."

Manali Rana.....2022-07-13 11:11:57 UTC