How to create a new Project

On the Projects page, click "Add Project". You will be directed to a form where you can fill in the following information:

  • Create a Name for the Project

  • Add an Image that represents the project or use the organiser’s logo

  • Choose the Organiser. This will be either the user’s name or the organisation that is creating the project

  • Select Open or Closed setting to determine whether data can be collected for the project

  • Add relevant Hashtags and select Topics to make the project more easily searchable.

  • Develop text for the Description that provides an introduction to the topic and what kinds of indicators companies report on

  • Develop a Vision including objectives for the Project, making it clear how and why others might want to contribute

  • Connect Metrics using the designer name+metric title, choosing from metrics already on Wikirate, or creating new ones

  • Connect Companies to the project page by typing in the name and selecting from the dropdown, or adding new companies to Wikirate