About the data

This field contains data about the total Gross Internal Area (GIA) of the whole estate. The value can be recorded to three decimal places. This is applicable to higher education providers (HEP) in Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Reason required: for advice to Government.
Total GIA for the whole estate. Sum total of Non-residential GIA and Residential GIA.

Commercial space that can be separately identified as a discrete area together with all associated costs, staff, energy, waste, emissions etc. is considered non-returnable and should be excluded from the Estates management record.

Only in circumstances where commercial space cannot be identified in accordance with the aforementioned conditions is it considered returnable and should therefore be included in the Estates management record (together with all associated costs, staff, energy, waste, emissions etc.).

Please note that this field does not use Total GIA commercial space in the calculation. Any returnable commercial space is already included in Non-residential GIA and Residential GIA.
Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Corporate Social Responsibility Report