About the data

This metric covers Sustainable Development Goal 3 of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Goal 3 aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. The goal pertains to child health, maternal health, HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases to increase life expectancy. Investing in healthy lives and well-being for all can build reputation in corporate responsibility, while strengthening communities.Investing in healthy lives and well-being for all can build your reputation in corporate responsibility, while strengthening the communities in your supply chain.

Go to the Half-Billion Dollars Challenge page of the Global Sourcing Council website. Using the dynamic GSC Half-Billion Challenge Progress Barometer you can view a list of companies that have taken the pledge.

  • Click on the tab “All Pledges” to see the total financial capacity that has been pledged to the SDGs in the Half-Billion Dollars Challenge.

  • Click on the tab “By SDG” to view the breakdown of financial capacity that has been pledged to each SDG.

  • Click on the tab ‘By Organization’ to view the list of organizations that have taken the pledge.

  • Select the company you are to research from the list. Then, using the drop-down arrow you can determine how much the company in question has pledged to advancing SDG 3.

For further research the Global Sourcing Council suggests reviewing the following additional resources:

  • Global Sourcing Council

  • Corporate Social Responsibility Report

  • Annual Report

  • CSO Statements or Reports

  • Investigative Reports, Surveys, Articles, etc.

  • SDG Indicators