Question: How many workers died because of a work-related incident?
Global Reporting Initiative
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updated about 6 years ago by Declan Macdonald

page 33 (35) , 0 Ericsson employees, however 17 fatalities from supply chain and others. page 26of report (28 on wikirate) - "We report on both the company’s own incidents and fatalities and

those of suppliers building and servicing

networks on behalf of Ericsson. In total,

17 workplace fatalities were reported by

contractors in 2016, compared to the 27

reported in 2015. Of these fatalities in

2016, 14 were contractors’ employees and

three were members of the public. Half of

the fatalities were traffic accident-related."

Declan Macdonald.....2018-02-12 13:52:39 UTC